2018-2020 ongoing
Possessions are sometimes understood to be contagious by contact. They may also be brought about if a loa spins a person into a reverse pirouette.

(Maya Deren, Divine Horsemen)
The Tea Room. Pigment Print. 136 x 110cm /2018
The Closet. Pigment Print. 160 x 110cm
The Music Room. Pigment Print. 120 x 80cm
The Lounge. Pigment Print. 60 x 80cm
The KItchen. Pigment Print. 120 x 80cm
The Screening Room. Pigment Print. 60 x 80cm
The Bedroom. Pigment Print. 110 x 80cm
The Children's Bedroom 2020
The Nursery 2020
The Red Lounge 2020
The Master Bathroom 2020